jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Javier Gomez Noya

Javier Gomez Noya is a spanish thriatlete (from the same region of Spain as I)

He has won several medals in Athens 2004,Beijing 2008 and different World and European championships and thats the main reason why i think that he will win a medal in the Olympics,but also his personality,his strenght and how much tough he is make me believe that he has a extremely good chance to show the world another prove that spanish sport is top notch and to put Galicia in the radar.
I know that he wont dissapoint all the people that support him.
Next monday im going to the Niagara Falls with a bunch of friends and mates from Explore.
Honestly ive been looking forward to visit such an amazing place since i came here.Its so spectacular to watch it on TV,i cant even figure out how gorgeus will be to see it(and enjoy it)in person.
Ive been in a group of pretty big waterfalls in Ireland 5 years ago and i loved it so that makes me be more excited about this trip.However,after doing some researching i gotta say that Niagara Falls are much bigger and they are more beautiful(or at least they seem to have more beauty)
There are a lot of reasons to visit Niagara Falls,and i definately feel all of them,ill tell you how awesome its soon. XOXO

martes, 24 de julio de 2012


Each second,each thousandth
each negligible prove
that times goes on relentlessly
kills me some (more)

Always time,
implacable but unstoppable,
unnoticed but insurmountable,
defines what i will be
what i am each time more

This poem was written in spanish and it sounds better in spanish so ill write it in spanish too to respect myself and the effort that it took me to write it

Cada segundo,cada milesima
cada infima demostracion
de que el tiempo pasa inexorable,
me mata algo(mas)

Siempre el tiempo,
impasible pero imparable,
inadvertido pero insalvable,
define lo que sere,
lo que soy cada vez mas

Canadian Hip Hop

As i said before i live with Bigg Ceaser,who is a rapper,but he also makes beats for another rappers like Sese or Littles the General,we spent like 4 hours this sunday listening to a lot of different artists and songs,unfortunately i dont remember most of his names and i dont have the playlist that he made me here,but i'll show y'all some of the amazing music that he showed me,i just feel respect for what they made and im
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tCaZEFWZ1I Sese showin his skills,amazing song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufDh2PCYZ_w this song is featured by Syph,who is Bigg Ceaser`s cousin
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvzOdLLs85Q and this is my host dad,my man Bigg Ceaser in his last video,that came away a week ago,honestly is not his best one but i dont care

Living with tha' Bigg Ceaser

At first I was worried about how would be my host family,but I eventually found out that it's great.
My host mother Ana is from Portugal and she is really nice with me,like when I told her that don't know how to do the laundry and she said me that se will do my laundry.
There is also Nathan who is one year old and likes me a lot.I've always been good with little childs and I play almost everyday with him.
But who I like the most is my host father,Josaiah aka Bigg Ceaser.Nowadays,for me he is not Josaiah anymore,now he is my man Bigg Ceaser,i think that that proves our good relationship.We have a lot of things in common,but specially one,the Hip-Hop.He is a rapper,is he lives for and what he does for living and I also love Rap,that Wu Tang and Biggie East Coast sound that we both love is making us more attached to each other.
He has showed me some of his own stuff and i have to say that is pretty good Rap though,and also some other artist like Sese or a crew called The Union(in fact i Skyped with one member of the Union who speaks spanish)
He has this amzing rap battle the 21first and im doubting if rather go to Calypso or to the battle,it's a pretty hard decission because i'm really looking forward to do both.

Me,myself and I-Introducing me

Hi my name is Alvaro,i just turned out 17 3 days ago.I love playing basketball,reading,economics and hanging out with my friends.Im an unique person,sometimes is something good and sometimes it's not,but with just reading you can barely have an idea of how and who I'm.I'm from Spain,i love my hometown as much as i can and there is only one place in the world that i like as much as it,California.I have 2 sisters,one who is 21 years old and the other is 5 years old.I spend a lot of time with my little sister sometimes because they ask me to but others just because i like it,because i like her.I'm a lazy person,but i'm lucky because even if i dont work as much as i should,i still get good marks at school.